Youth from Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Create a 100-Meter Long Scroll Depicting "My Vision of Beijing's Sub-Center"

On March 23, the event "Vibrant Sub-Center, Brilliant Jing-Jin-Ji – My Vision of Beijing's Sub-Center" was held in Beijing's sub-center, where youth from Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei created a 100-meter long scroll. This artistic endeavor brought together 121 students from 25 schools, including Tongzhou Youth Activity Center, Yucai School Tongzhou Branch, Yangcun No. 8 Primary School in Tianjin’s Wuqing District, and Tangezhuang School in Dachang Hui Autonomous County, Langfang. These students gathered at Luhe High School, using colors and lines to illustrate the beautiful development of the Jing-Jin-Ji region over the past decade, offering their praise and blessings for its growth.

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This event was a grand display of artistic exchange among the youth of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei, deeply reflecting the implementation of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the National Conference on Publicity and Cultural Work. It celebrated the tenth anniversary of the coordinated development of the Jing-Jin-Ji region through a thematic public engagement activity.

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Using their unique perspectives and lively brushstrokes, the youth painted new stories, new appearances, and new sentiments of the coordinated development of Jing-Jin-Ji on the 100-meter long scroll. The event was guided by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Tongzhou District Committee, co-hosted by the Tongzhou District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Tongzhou District Education Work Committee, and Tongzhou District Education Commission, and supported by the Tongzhou District Artists Association, Tongzhou Youth Activity Center, and Luhe High School. Significant assistance came from the Wuqing District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Wuqing District Education Bureau, Langfang Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Langfang Education Bureau, with further support from the Youth Art Education Committee of the China Children’s Cultural and Art Promotion Association and the Tongzhou District Media Center.

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The 100-meter scroll was divided into six chapters: Ancient Charm, Construction, Embarkation, Ecology, Vision, and Beijing. Each chapter was meticulously planned by teachers and carefully prepared by students over nearly a month. During the event, students from the three regions showcased the tremendous changes and beautiful vision of the new era in Jing-Jin-Ji's coordinated development over the past ten years using vibrant colors and rich content.

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In her speech, Wang Xueyan, Chairwoman of the Tongzhou District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, expressed hope that the students would continue to maintain their passion for artistic creation in the future, ensuring that the picture of Jing-Jin-Ji's coordinated development remains vibrant and lively.

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The event was attended by leaders and experts from the Propaganda Department of the Tongzhou District Committee, the cultural and educational systems of the "Tong-Wu-Lang" area, and the Artists Association.

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