• A Special Message from the Founder

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    My name is Jason, and I've been a Dallas resident since 1999. Throughout my time here, I've been involved in numerous international business activities benefiting our community. This rapidly changing era often immerses us in daily busyness and technological noise, making us forget the world's inherent beauty. The "World Through Children's Eyes" art contest event was inspired by a pure and simple moment: my son's passion for drawing.


    One day, he showed me a colorful drawing of the sun, grass, and his smiling face. The indescribable excitement and pride in his eyes deeply moved me, making me realize that children's eyes offer a view of a purer, more hopeful, and imaginative world. Their unique creativity and imagination deserve our utmost appreciation and attention.


    "World Through Children's Eyes" is not just an art event; it's a platform for us to pause and see the world's beauty and innocence through children's artwork. This event encourages kids to express their creativity and imagination, producing remarkable art. By showcasing their work, we aim for more people to appreciate the world from a child's perspective. Each painting tells a story, with every stroke reflecting a child's view of the world. We believe these works can touch hearts, awakening gratitude and appreciation for life's beauties.


    I invite you to join us in exploring and celebrating "YouColor: World Through Children's Eyes." Let's witness the boundless creativity and imagination of children, sharing their beauty with more people. beauty with more people.

  • Founding Teams

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    Regional Director, Greater Bay Area

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    Regional Director, LA Area

  • Collaboration Circles

    Meet our Collaboration Circle: a vibrant mix of artists, curators, and industry experts united in making our Art Contest a beacon of excellence and creativity. This diverse group works together to ensure the contest is fair, innovative, and open to all art lovers. Our collaborators, coming from various backgrounds, share one vital goal: to foster a brighter, more inspiring future for children in the arts. Join us in celebrating the creativity and dedication of a team committed to uplifting young artistic talent.

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    Abbey Zhuang

    Jury Panel

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    Abbey Zhuang

    Jury Panel

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    Vincy Qi

    Jury Panel

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    L’Erin Hampton

    Founder of 24 Sports

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    Mark Thompson
